The Googuns Twitter Mystery

Blendover show

Summary: Blendover Episode Eleven    What did you think of this episode? Have any questions? Suggestions? LET US KNOW: Tweet Us | Give Us A Facialbook | Shoot Us Some Hate Mail Or comment below! Topics Discussed: Steubenville Rape Case EA CEO Resigns The Googuns Twitter Mystery Gormathon Pope Watch 2013 Zombie Apocalypse BlendoveR is a fun, hard-hitting pod-cast where rules are regularly thrown out the window in favor of honest, open commentating opinions.  Presented by Greg Davies (cGt2099 from, and Terr Ciavarra (Media Nox from, we stray on to any topic that presents itself or wanders off onto its own tangent.     Steubenville Rape Case CNN News Report that everyone is bitching about CNN no-comments outcry over breaking coverage of rape verdict Guilty Verdict in Steubenville How Blogger Helped Steubenville Rape Case Unfold Online Jessica Valenti @ Twitter Steubenville Football Players Found Guilty in Ohio Rape Trial Steubenville, the media and ‘rape, essentially’ Two teens found guilty in Steubenville rape case Wikipedia: Steubenville High School rape case     EA CEO Resigns EA CEO Riccitello Resigns - /r/games EA CEO Riccitello Resigns - /r/gaming Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello to step down     The Googuns Twitter Mystery The Real Weird Twitter is Espionage Twitter @googuns_staging - tweets every 5 mins @googuns_prod - tweets every 5 mins The whole thing reminded me of Numbers Stations A good analysis of Googuns Some Twitter noise... Which leads me to крейсер уничтожены aka “cruiser destroyed” - tweeted Oct 25 Which connects to the Dutch warship destruction of a Somali pirate cruiser And another article with a clip THE CONNECTION: Somali Pirates connected to Botnet Hackers and Cybersecurity Attacks - the Googuns accounts are cryptic public "logs"     Gormathon Gormathon - Official Site Gormathon: Land of the Lost (Official Music Video) Gormathon @ Amazon Gormathon @ iTunes Gormathon @ Spotify Gormathon @ Gormathon @ Encyclopaedia Metallum Gormathon @ Facebook Gormathon @ MySpace Gormathon @ Twitter Gormathon @ YouTube     Pope Watch 2013 After Frosty Past, Pope Meets Argentine Leader Catholic faithful get wired for papal selection Chimney ready to signal papal vote How to spot a fake cardinal in the conclave? Pope Francis: 'I would like to see a church that is poor and is for the poor' Pope resigns - Nostradamus and St Malachy predictions Vatican admits secretly bugging its own clergy Well, that was quick Wikipedia: Pope Francis I     Zombie Apocalypse Donor in rabies cases had symptoms, wasn't tested Antibiotics and drug resistance: how do we compare? Antibiotics resistance 'as big a risk as terrorism' - medical chief Coronavirus hCoV-EMC has killed 9 of the 15 people confirmed to be infected with it Coronavirus: is this the next pandemic? Coronavirus victim's widow tells of grief as scientists scramble for treatment Deadly New Virus Warning Issued After Eight People Die Health officials investigate norovirus outbreak at Andina in Portland How the zombie apocalypse affects interest group politics A Maryland man recently died of rabies that he contracted from a tainted organ he received in a transplant operation more than a year ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday. Nomavirus Is Everyone's Virus and Everyone's Cost Life imitating Scrubs: Patient dies from rabies-infected transplant, says the CDC Patient killed by rabies from organ transplant, CDC says Pesticide water may spread norovirus Rabies-infected organ donor was thought to be poisoned by fish Researcher: Zombie Fads Peak When Society Is Unhappy Tainted kidney causes rabies, death