Runcast 53 – Take a Winter break / Audiobooks for running

Runcast show

Summary: A break from running will keep you going longer; and a few audiobooks for running bibliophiles. This is the time of the year when the marathon season winds down and the holiday season approaches. There will be a lot of food on the table and much less running. Most of the runners I know usually feel guilty during the holidays season, and try to push on with their schedule. In its December’s issue, Runners World magazine teaches us that it’s OK to scale back and enjoy time with family and friends. And don’t forget to enjoy the food too. Do you read while you run? In this podcast I’ll recommend a few good audiobooks to get you going and keep you running. Runcast 53 Play the podcast by clicking the play button, or download by right-clicking HERE, then choose save (or download) file as...