Episode #110 - MC Frontalot, Gamedaily & Bioshock

Gamertag Radio show

Summary: Before taking the trip to PAX07. The GTR Staff brings you Ep. 110 featuring JVB from Podtacular.com. Here what we have for this week's show: Gamedaily - GTR's E3 Sponsorship with EA A few weeks ago a writer from Gamedaily wrote an article called "Most questionable media sponsorship - GTR". I sent him an email to see if we can discuss the topic for the show. Listen from both sides & why alot of people dosen't know the full story about our E3 coverage. MC Frontalot Interview - Nerdcore Rising The Godfather of Nerdcore Hip Hop MC Frontalot calls our show for a phone interview before his big performance at this year's Penny Arcade Expo 2007. He gave us a brief history about Nerdcore Rising, projects that he is working on, why he is the biggest nerd & more. Bioshock Audio Review (Short Version) Here is our short audio review of Bioshock for the Xbox 360 featuring Vicious from Uncle Gamer.