Obama To Republicans: "You Need Me"

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Tonights Broadcast is dedicated In Loving Memory of :Marine Lt. Col. David S. Greene who was killed on July 28, 2004 Serving During Operation Iraqi Freedom.Perhaps the BEST @ his skill trade in the business, Lt. Col. Greene was every young pilot in training favorite commander & instructor. He was obsessed w/ training the NEW youth & the finest to be THE BEST.He often got calls from his students who had A bad evening of practice having been shot down in the simulator upset or frustrated. He never said sleep on it rather it was get dressed and meet me @ the hanger, lets give it another try reguardless day or night OR DAY OFF. He was so good @ his trade  TV's 24 dedicated A episode w/ his photo FLASHED @ shows end.After White House advisers conceded that Obama's so-called charm offensive and meetings with Republican lawmakers were publicity stunts for the mainstream media, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), the House Whip, provided more evidence that Obama's public meetings with Republicans may be a complete sham because the president feels the outreach is beneath him & his office as commander & chief.Discussing his interaction with Obama at last Saturday's Gridiron Dinner to Politico, McCarthy said he tried his best to engage in conversation with Obama, but Obama was simply disinterested."You guys give us too much credit. We’re not doing all that stuff you think we are," Obama reportedly said of his "charm offensive," according to McCarthy, before telling him, "You need me."Tonight on CPT we will discuss the following Topics1. Paul Ryans new budget proposal2. Obama Charm and sinking approval numbers3. Mark Kelly Goes Gun Shopping4. Democrats to reveal first budget in 4 years5. Is Obama a lame duck already?