Yeast Radio #1141 Back to The Real Yeast

Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein show

Summary: Today we go back to the original vision of Yeast Radio: Vaginal Yeast. My guest is currently surviving a yeast infection. Be inspired by her courage. I know I am! Show Notes: Sylvie ( Lesbian ( mashup Technical ISSUES Girdle Spilover Vagina/Food Allergies ( Grizelda ( Announcing yeast infection in front of class of 30 people. Bikram Yoga cures yeast? Kegel ( cup wrapped in saran wrap=vagina "Air out the lyups" dead cat ( eating out at Fulton Zeeche ( song More sylvia Shirley Robb ( coming to dinner soon? Zeeche links My Personal Facebook Page ( Yeast Radio Show Podcast Page ( Email ( Amazon WIsh List (bday march 30 thanks) ( Phone: +1 (347) 688-3787 (FIRM UTERUS)