Oregon Governor Tom McCall Centennial

The Jefferson Exchange show

Summary: <p>Jefferson Exchange — March 13, 2013, HOUR 2</p><p><b> <span class="headlinetext">McCall Centennial</span> </b><br><br> The late Gov. Tom McCall is still a figure in recent history for many Oregonians, but this month (March 22nd) marks the 100th anniversary of the revered governor's birth.  The Oregon Historical Society is rolling out several events to mark the McCall centennial, including a lecture by McCall biographer Brent Walth, who will <a href="http://ohs.org/education/mark-o-hatfield.cfm" target="_blank"><strong>bring his lecture</strong></a> to Ashland this evening.  We'll swap McCall stories with Walth and listeners in this hour.  </p>