Reality, Hoax, Myth?

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Some sound far-fetched and crazy, whereas others might raise an eyebrow on even the most logical thinker. Regardless of the attraction, there is certainly no shortage of conspiratorial claims out there.   Believing in conspiracy theories is neither a professional occupation nor an academic discipline. We don’t tick boxes on questionnaires to identify ourselves as "conspiracy theorists", nor can any medical test be done to identify a person as such.   The term “conspiracy theorist” is a judgement that can be assumed in relation to any group or individual. There are broad social patterns that lead to some people being described as conspiracy theorists more often than others, but realistically speaking we are all conspiracy theorists. All of us, from time to time, will believe that two or more people in a particular context have conspired to achieve a mutual aim – be it cheating in a card game or engineering an international war. It isn’t by definition a lapse in logic to believe that a conspiracy has or is going to occur in a given situation. Conspiracies do happen and it is a natural facet of healthy thinking and self-preservation to seek out awareness of conspiracies that may affect our lives.   Despite these simple truths, the term “conspiracy theorist” is often used in debate as a claim by one party against the character of another – a cheap and unimaginative way to avoid rational discussion or to stop questions being asked.Join The Discussion @ 424-222-5255