3-D, Age of Filmmakers, New DVDs and Blu-rays and More

RopeofSilicon Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to the Tuesday edition of the RopeofSilicon podcast where this week we actually don't forget to cover the new DVDs and Blu-rays and, yet again, explore the current state of film, this time looking at the impact age has on filmmakers, discussing the want for quality when money is being spent making a movie and whether or not in-depth analysis of a film can actually hurt or help the appreciation of that film considering the bias of the person doing the analyzing. On top of that we have more of your questions and voicemails, all our regular games and a Box-Office Challenge update with all the latest numbers for all twenty films, including the foreign totals Box-Office Mojo had not yet added into several of the films... the results may surprise you, or, at least Laremy.