Media Coverage and Analysis of Rand Paul’s Senate Filibuster

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Rand Paul's 12 hour and 52 minute filibuster was a clear success by most measures, raising the national profile of the outrageous drone strike policy and becoming a true leader for libertarian-conservatism. The Senator received high praise from prominent voices across the political spectrum, with the exception of the most partisan Obama supporters, MSNBC pundits, and those who are somehow interested in the power of the Presidency/national security state. The most remarkable shift has been on the conservative side of the aisle, as it seems that the right is becoming legitimately more concerned with civil liberties and the Bill of Rights. Of course, this irony isn't lost on the Democrats. Obviously, media coverage of the filibuster has been vast and everything aid cannot be posted. But I will post additional coverage as part of the Rand Paul Watch update. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: <br> <br> (0:00) Judge Napolitano on FNC's Your World: Obama Drone Policy Is Stalinistic. Video by YouTube User: <a href="">BirtherReportDotCom</a>. (3/6) <br> <br> (2:29) Rand Paul's Filibuster of Brennan Confirmation Raises National Profile - <a href=";utm_medium=feed&amp;utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fvideo+%28Internal+-+Video+-+Latest%29">Fox News'</a> Bret Baier looks at senator's political strategy. (3/6) <br> (10:40) Is Rand Paul Wasting Valuable Time? CNN's Erin Burnett shills for the Obama admin. Video by YouTube User: <a href="">MOXNEWSd0tC0M</a>. (3/6) <br> (13:38) Charles Krauthammer on Rand Paul's Filibuster: 'A Stroke of Political Genius.' All-Star panel on <a href="">Fox News'</a> Special Report. (3/6) <br> (15:23) NYC Deputy Mayor Trashes Rand Paul’s Anti-Drone Crusade: Americans Are ‘Okay’ With Obama’s Drone Program. Video archived at <a href=""></a>. (3/6) <br> <br> (18:14) A good old fashioned filibuster on display in Senate - Sen. Mike Lee visits with <a href=";utm_medium=feed&amp;utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fvideo+%28Internal+-+Video+-+Latest%29">FNC's</a> Greta Van Susterein. (3/6) <br> (25:13) Randpage: The Aftermath (Be Ready for the Media Fallout)! Video compliments of YouTube User: <a href="">TheJoshTolleyChannel</a>. (3/7) <br> (36:43) #StandWithRand: Rand Paul, Barack Obama, Drones, and Presidential Kill Lists - Coverage by <a href=""></a>. (3/7) <br> (39:29) Michelle Malkin: Did Rand Paul’s Filibuster Refurbish The Republican Party’s Tarnished Brand? Video archived at <a href=""></a>. (3/7) <br> (44:56) The #StandwithRand Drones Filibuster - <a href="">CATO Institute's</a> Daily Podcast with Julian Sanchez. (3/7) <br> <br> (53:44) <a href="">MSNBC's</a> Alex Wagner and panel discuss Rand Paul’s marathon and the nasty side effects of filibusters. (3/7) <br> <br> (1:04:28) Rush Limbaugh: Rand's Stand Shakes Up Washington - Audio archived at <a href="">The Daily Caller</a>