Cocktail Time LIVE, Ep. 35 - "The Toothless Fairy"

4Player Podcast show

Summary: (Sorry about the audio in this podcast. We had to pull it from a different source than usual so it's not nearly as clear as normal.) Time for Cocktail Time...LIVE! This week Joseph, Bob and Chris are here to talk about vidja gamez! This week we talk about our time with State of Decay, Joseph talks about The Toothless Fairy who was going through his garbage, Lands of Lore, the story of Gearbox and Aliens: Colonial Marines continues to evolve, the Occulus Rift gets discussed, we start discussing PAX East plans, Joseph insists that Crysis 3 doesn't need the suit and more! Cocktail Time GO!! Video: Audio: Download [podcast][/podcast] Follow Joseph Christ on Twitter.