Drabblecast 201 – Trifecta XV

The Drabblecast Audio Fiction Podcast show

Summary: "Are these fiddlebacks ferns mommy?" Cindy asked. Fiddlehead honey. Margery said absently. "Fiddlebacks are nasty spiders." It was only later that she would realize Cindy, for once in her vacuous, Barbie obsessed life, was right." The first episode of Women and Alien's month 2011 featuring three stories, each exploring nasty, insectile alien menaces. Fiddleback Ferns, a space infestation sends a mother to her breaking point. Killipedes, a dark, humorous tale where a doctor breaks down a patient's nasty parasitical infection. In The Difficulties of Evolution, a mournful parent contemplates her child's anthropomorphic metamorphosis.