Episode 8 – Can I HaZ UR STUFF?

Down The Pipe show

Summary: Hello again!   So Bronya missed this one and because he usually does the recording we forgot to adjust some setting and there is some discrepancy with the sound, nothing terrible but noticeable  So we decided we would release it anyways. This time around we had 3 guests that all do Corp infiltrationtheft. professionally at that, Jake — Star SUSU infiltrator Love U LongTime — Star infiltrator for the 40b Insidious Design C2 removal Psychotic Monk — King of the Safari, Lord of the High sec War deck and overall bad dude. We talked about Awoxing, the goals of it, how to pick targets and much more!   Dont forget to leave a comment below and join us in our ingame channel DTP Podcast. Thanks for listening, Down The Pipe Producers