Welcome to the World of Integral Philosophy w/ Steve McIntosh

Tripp Fuller show

Summary: Integral Philosophy has come up a few times on Homebrewed Christianity.  A bunch of friends of the show have dabbled in it including Brian McLaren, Richard Rohr, Shane Hipps, and Rob Bell & the Deaconate have asked repeatedly “what’s an Integral?”  Well the wait is over.  Steve McIntosh, an Integral philosopher and Jesusonian (follower of Jesus), is here to introduce you to the ideas and how it could connect with the teachings of Jesus. After going over some of the ‘big ideas’ Steve attempts to demonstrate the usefulness of the philosophy by tackling a couple present predicaments – Global Climate Change & Political Partisanship.  As part of a new think tank Steve is working to use his theory to change our practice as a species to one that is more hospitable to the planet and our neighbors.  For more details on this work check out The Institute for Cultural Evolution. Steve recently introduced Integral on a guest blog, Deacon Tony Jones responded and then Steve gave a holla back.