Is Detroit Ready to Fight Back Against Emergency Management?

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Summary: On Thursday, March 7, 2013, IU News and Talk program at 11AM ET: *We'll discuss the groundbreaking Op/Ed CPA Tom Barrow citing the "supposed" financial emergency Detroit has doesn't exist. *Highlight the Meeting at Detroit City Hall on March 6, 2013, that shows the Cities Residents are ready to peacefully fight against a "EM" by any means necessary & more. Independent Underground Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Weekend Political Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan covering Michigan and National Politics, breaking news, unemployment and more. Tune into I.U. Radio LIVE Weekend Political Talk on Tuesday's  & Thursday's from 11:00 AM-1:00PM EDT & call with your robust opinions at 347-934-0185. Also, tweet us your thoughts @IUNewsTalk.