YR1138 Solo: By the Lesbian for the Lesbian with Yeast

Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein show

Summary: A Yeast Radio monologue in which I, Madge Weinstein, discuss both important and very boring issues. I also discuss my vagina very much. Show Notesk: Solid by Sylvia Browne (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sylviabrowne.com%2F&ei=7Ms3Ud6KIuGfyAHEyYG4Bg&usg=AFQjCNEltrdFvAGMtNwniAFzCWr9Egx6_w&bvm=bv.43287494,d.aWc) flato-theme fart lesbian tech talk old records Radio Clash revamp/live now! (http://www.radioclash.com) my vagina today yoga (http://chicagoathleticclubs.com/locations/wicker-park/) for a change coffee at Intelligentsia ( http://www.intelligentsiacoffee.com/location/broadway-coffeebar) still fixing podcasting archives due to sleazy Ron Bloom's company, Bite Size Networks (http://bitesizenetworks.com), formerly Mevio, formerly Podshow etc etc. Like this facebook groups to keep updated with old shows that were missing and now found: facebook.com/yeastradiopodcast (http://facebook.com/yeastradiopodcast ) facebook.com/eatthishotshow (http://facebook.com/eatthishotshow ) Looking for a boot camp like Dev Bootcamp ( http://devbootcamp.com) Ableton Live 9 (http://ableton.com) just came out Donations accepted! (press donate button at http://yeastradio.com (http://yeastradio.com) amazon wish list for birthday March 30!  (http://amzn.com/w/327AGBGUE4CW6) lapsing out™ - troof be told Headphone MESH cleaning blah blah blah blah blah Fuck Dr. Oz - sick of her and her food industry lobbyists quickie topics smell of feet in yoga in france aids funding crisis due to sequester? true? anyone know? content creators have to pay to get played while the infrastructure (on the net) makes all the money. The Mashuginashi Yogi