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Blendover show

Summary: Blendover Episode Nine Featuring Corey Koehler    What did you think of this episode? Have any questions? Suggestions? LET US KNOW: Tweet Us | Give Us A Facialbook | Shoot Us Some Hate Mail Or comment below! Topics Discussed: Corey Koehler Music Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome Lost House of Cards Investigative Journalism Digital Music Industry Pope Watch 2013 BlendoveR is a fun, hard-hitting pod-cast where rules are regularly thrown out the window in favor of honest, open commentating opinions.  Presented by Greg Davies (cGt2099 from, and Terr Ciavarra (Media Nox from, we stray on to any topic that presents itself or wanders off onto its own tangent.     Corey Koehler Music Planet Corey Corey Koehler @ Bandcamp Corey Koehler @ Facebook Corey Koehler @ ReverbNation Corey Koehler @ Twitter     Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome - Episode 1 Wikipedia: Battlestar Galactica - Blood and Chrome     Lost Lost @ CanIStream.It Lost @ Netflix Wikipedia: Lost     House of Cards House of Cards @ Netflix Streaming Review: House Of Cards – Season One     Investigative Journalism The Daily Show: Investigative Journalism     Digital Music Industry The Copyright Alert System FAQ Where Do Teens Discover New Music? YouTube Why Music Revenue Is Rising for the First Time Since 1999     Pope Watch 2013 Cardinals meet Monday, could set date to elect new pope Cardinals Start to Ponder Subtleties of a Big Task How to Become Pope Hypocrisy: Cardinal Keith O'Brien finally admits he had sex with other priests. Just last year, he compared gay relationships to slavery and child abuse Papal Conclave 2013 Pope Benedict XVI to resign, citing age and waning energy Pope resigns - Nostradamus and St Malachy predictions So I hear they need a new pope Things to do while there's no pope... Tim Minchin - Pope Song Vatican admits secretly bugging its own clergy Vatican scandal cited in Pope resignation     Music Featured: "The Great Collapsing Circus" by Heifervescent from the album Little Egg     Music used in the BlendoveR Intro Theme was performed and written by GOTHIC KNIGHTS [Music and clips are copyright to respective owners, and are used under Fair Use]