Push to Regen - Episode 20

Push To Regen show

Summary: <br> It's been a minute, but we're back! <br> This week, we cover the barrage of news that was the 2013 New York Toy Fair, we talk over the new February Players Guide, DOTA 2 Clix, and the triumphant return (in a 'Clix compatible release) of Mage Knight! Our previews consist of a soviet super-soldier (not one of THOSE Soviet super-soldiers) and a young homicidal alien bastich. <br> We also deliver, this episode, a segment people have been clamoring for for nearly a year. Seriously. Never let it be said that we don't fulfill our promises. <br> You can, however, totally say we don't fulfill our promises in a timely manner. <br> We take some time out to talk about the nuances and specifics of Vehicle dials this episode as well. It's pretty good stuff, so be sure to give it a listen. <br> Also, in a special segment, Jay sat down with Norm Barth of Clixathon to talk bout the event coming up March 23rd and 24th. Be sure to listen up for details on the event, as well as check out the website for the event - <a href="http://www.clixathon.com">www.clixathon.com</a> <br> AND we talk your emails, and, of course, Nate's Question of the Week! <br> Watch your Schmidlapp! Clean your Fangschliester! It's time for the show! <br> Visit the shows website at <a href="http://pushtoregen.com">http://pushtoregen.com</a>! <br> You can contact the show in the following ways: pushtoregen@gmail.com,<a href="http://twitter.com/pushtoregen">@pushtoregen</a> on Twitter, or by posting a comment about the episode you just listened to, either on the Podbean site - http://pushtoregen.podbean.com, or feel free to leave us a rating and a review on iTunes! Give us a buzz on our Google Voice number (during normal waking hours on the east coast) at 321-236-2549. Also, <a href="http://facebook.com/pushtoregen">Like us on Facebook</a>, and join in the discussion! We'll also have a thread started in the A/V section of HCRealms! Don’t be afraid to push!<br>