Episode 32-Avenged Dat Ass!

Underground Geek Network show

Summary: In this episode: We finally discuss the Avengers! Full *spoiler warning* from 27:30-1:00:00. Aaron talks about Kid Icarus: Uprising, Skylanders, Diablo III, Max Payne 3, Battleship, and also covers your video game releases. We discuss our thoughts on the Avengers movie in Vans segment, where he also talks about the Young Justice League and covers your comic book releases. notes and links: 59:00min-Thor and Loki check out Black Widows butt. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lr18m3MOjf1qz75dlo1_500.png 1:01:00min-Hawkeye checks out Black Widows Boobs http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3lu8c3IYa1rozohwo1_1280.jpg 1:07:16min-Loki takes a ride in a car. http://i45.tinypic.com/b8pdtz.gif