How to Tongue Lash a Registered Conservative and win!

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Summary: On Michigan's TOP Politico Podcast, IU Radio LIVE March 5, 2013 @ 11AM ET Sharp we'll discuss: *Did you miss US House Rep. Keith Ellison EPIC takedown of Fox News Host Sean Hannity last week? We'll discuss this and if Ellison tongue-lashing is the right way to debate a "registered Conservative". *US House Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) has lost his mind stating that the Violence Against Woman Act is Unconstitutional. We'll discuss. *Mitt Romney for illegal Emergency Manager? Say it ain't so but an article in the Detroit Free Press says this might be true.  Independent Underground Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Weekend Political Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan covering Michigan and National Politics, job search, breaking news and more. Tune into I.U. Radio LIVE Weekend Political Talk on Tuesday's  & Thursday’s from 11:00 AM-1:00PM EDT & call with your robust opinions at 347-934-0185.