MacBites - Episode 0014

MacBites show

Summary: Liverpool Store, iPhone apps and Calamitous Software Crashes Another Apple Store opening, more iPhone app reviews and how Elaine's digital world came crashing down. Plus Mike's new scanner and a great time-saving tip for iCal users and a money-saving tip from Elaine. The Opening of the Liverpool Apple Store - Read Mike's Report BackBites - Adobe TV - the saga continues and the issue now hits the BBC iPlayer. PAC Number - We finally received them but it wasn't plain sailing - Elaine's money saving tip - Vodafone rants ChatBites - Mike gets a new scanner - Calibrate - an iCal batch processing app - Downloadable pre-configured calendars for sports events and football teams iPhone iPhone iPhone - Where are your apps stored? - FileMagnet allows transferring of files to and from the iPhone - Camera Nuances - photo orientation under Vista dependent on orientation of iPhone - Evernote - OmniFocus - NetNewsWire - Remote - Stanza - WordPress - 1Password - Morocco - Bubble Wrap - Labyritnth Lite Edition - Sudoku - Zenbe list maker - Play music and a game at the same time - Building an iPhone App Elaine's Week of Crashes - Mobile Me - The Great Twitter Crash - Information Overload - Steve Balmer / Developers Feedback and Comments - Thanks to Gavin for recommending Wordpress and Zenbe - Thanks to Damian and Bob for their comments about the Liverpool Store opening - According to Jack at MacFever, Elaine has softwarealitus