MacBites - Episode 0044

MacBites show

Summary: Talking iPads, including Mike's magically multiplying iPad and getting giddy about iPhone 4 all in the midst of copious software breakages at MBHQ BackBites - Many Tricks - Paddock - Audible v. O2/Be ChatBites - OSX 10.6.4 - Safari 5 tabs issue - iTunes updates - Calibre - Goodreader iPad iPad iPad - US launch - Carpet baggers - Pre-ordering - iPads arrive at MacBites HQ - iPad woes - the dead pixel disaster - Our initial software must-haves for iPad - 1Password - Evernote - Adobe Ideas (iTunes link) - OmniGraffle - OmniGraphSketcher - Omni Guarantee - Gowalla - Eyewitness from Guardian (iTunes link) - Reeder - Elaine's (jokey) pick of the week - Vuvuzela 2010 - Accessories - Case - Dock - iPad stands - Elaine's blog post - Woodpad iPad stand - Bluetooth keyboard iPhone iPhone iPhone - Tariff and ordering fiasco - Case Feedback and Comments - HeartyD's PAYG 3 MIFI success