Burns and Allen – Kiddie Party. 400729

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Those crazy people are back, George and Gracie. With their new cast wich features announcer Bud Easton, th Smoothies, Artie Shaw, and more, the jokes kick off. George tries to explain to Graicie about tourists. The ever complaining sound man pitches in his comments related to his over educated part in the show. Mr Lee, the bands unruly guitarist gives George grief before Artie Shaw takes the stage to play, Temptation. Gracie wants George to go to a kiddie party with her. It's a party where the adults dress up like kids, and play all the typical kiddie games. In showing George that it's OK to be a kid, the cast all do their thing, there's even a poem by the overeducated sound man. The Smoothies sing, Meet the Sun Halfway. Along with Gracie, the cast keeps on teasing George about getting him in the mood for the party. Will he break down and decide to go? He even has his costume ready if he will just try it on.