Unlimited Hyperbole S2 - Episode Four

Unlimited Hyperbole show

Summary: Ever since he started first getting into PC games, my good friend Joe Percy has continually returned to the work of Irrational Games, meaning he's uniquely able to chart his attitudes to fear in reaction to the Shock series - from the unmanageably frightening System Shock 2 to the relatively relaxing BioShock 2. Right in the middle of this pattern is the original BioShock, which for Joe hit a sweet spot between fear and challenge - but still wasn't without problem. This episode looks back at both what BioShock did right and wrong, as well as the parallels between it and its predecessor. Unlimited Hyperbole is a weekly podcast about videogames and the stories we tell about them. The show is divided into seasons of five episodes, each with a topic that’s used as a prompt when interviewing special guests. This season we’re talking about “Fear Itself” – but for more information about the podcast itself, check www.joemartinwords.com