Andrew Palau: We Appeal, We Implore

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: In 2 Corinthians 5:20, the Bible calls us “Christ’s ambassadors.” We are to speak as His voice on this earth; called to witness on His behalf. But there’s more. The verse goes on to say that we must proclaim the message of salvation, “as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” This verse conveys a sense of urgency: we implore you to be reconciled. This appeal comes straight from God, our Creator and Heavenly Father. We are not peacetime ambassadors with time to spare. We are ambassadors to a world at war with the powers of darkness, at war with death. God’s gift of salvation is a message that needs to be shared immediately. This urgency should motivate us constantly. This is a matter of life and death! We must equip ourselves with the Word of God, pray constantly, and put on the armor of the Lord described in Ephesians 6. Let’s not underestimate our role as Christ’s ambassadors. Let’s take every opportunity to reach as many people as possible with the Good News of Jesus Christ.