Episode 37, July 20, 2006 - Big Wheel and the Spokes

thunderbird six show

Summary: In the final of our three part mini series on Second Stage, Dave and Isabelle talk to and listen to Big Wheel and the Spokes. These guys are a funky blues power trio, if that makes sense. They are really tight and, of course, are local. In their interview outside of loplops they talked about file sharing, the reason people do music in the first place, the issue of steroids in music and the challenge of playing original music in a small(ish) city. The guys are a lot of fun (though it is hard to tell about Frank and Cliff as Jay does not oft let them get a word in edgewise....) and T6 encourages you to go pick up their new CD "Barley Soup for the Funky-Ass Soul" (mmmmmm soup). Thanks guys. Look for more from blogelation soon.