METAL INJECTION LIVECAST #173 - The Jewish Whatever...

Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: On this edition, Rob, 3D, Noa and Sid were joined by special guest Axl Rosenberg of <a href="">MetalSucks</a>. We listened to the <a href=";utm_source=deadspin_twitter&amp;utm_medium=socialflow" target="_blank">worst rendition of the national anthem ever</a>, sang by <a href="">Harper Gruzins</a>. We followed to campaign of <a href="" target="_blank">state senate hopeful Mindy Meyer</a>, and laughed at her expense. We ended the show talking about the new Batman movie. Here is this week's playlist:<br> Goes Cube – Lines On The Map<br><br> Paradise Lost – To The Darkness<br><br> Gaza – Canine Disposal Unit<br><br> The Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza – There's A Time And A Place For Everything<br> Make sure to follow us on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Youtube</a>.<br>