Tim Brigham: Jim Moseley, Parapsychology Research and God Helmets

Radio Misterioso show

Summary: Tim is a Doctor of Cognitive Experimental Psychology and is a laboratory parapsychology researcher. He is also the past associate editor of Saucer Smear. These were the main topics on this program, which aired live on January 20th. Tim met Smear publisher Jim Moseley when he was an impressionable teenager. It was essentially out of this friendship that he became involved with the intrigue of the longest-running UFO periodical in the world. Jim Moseley was a friend and an inspiration to me as well and Tim recalled him fondly with such stories as Moseley pissing off abductee Linda Napolitano/ Cortile, and the time that researcher Budd Hopkins gave him and Brigham the finger at a UFO convention. We talked a bit about Jim's personality and his attitudes towards some of the famous people in the UFO field. We then segued into a segment about Tim's parapsychological interests and experiments that he is planning with Michael Persinger's so-called "God Helmet" which as been shown to produce quasi-religious experiences on demand. We also went into a discussion of how UFO sightings might be affected by our preconceptions from pop culture and even earlier reports, which led to an extended segment on the Hill abduction case and details that have been forgotten, such as Barney Hill's first description of his abductor as a "red haired Irishman" wearing a Nazi uniform. Image - Jim Moseley from Tim Brigham's site mojomachine