Film Actually Ep095 – Magic Mike

Geek Actually Podcast show

Summary: This week David, Josh and Richard take a look at the latest Steven Soderbergh film Magic Mike. Plus we get Josh's opinions on The Dark Knight Rises, a brand new Lists of Five - Five Actors/Actresses That We Didn't Think Much of, But Have Now Won Us Over or are Winning Us Over and the Little Geek even drops by for his thoughts on the third Batman film. Film Actually is the official movie podcast of Hosts: David McVay, Josh Philpott & Richard Gray The news section is now officially it's own show called Film Actually News. Look for it on the feed because it is loud, fast and under thirty minutes... or your money back. If you are an iTunes user, please leave a review. Your comments help us improve the show. This show carries an explicit tag due to infrequent coarse language. Listen or download it here or subscribe to it on iTunes Your Show Notes Follow: What We’ve Been Watching: Josh gives us his opinions on The Dark Knight Rises. Feature Film Review ‘Magic Mike’ directed by Steven Soderbergh. It is written by Reid Carolin. It stars Channing Tatum, Matthew McConaughey, Alex Pettyfer, Cody Horn and Olivia Munn. Set in the world of male strippers, Magic Mike is directed by Steven Soderbergh and stars Channing Tatum in a story inspired by his real life. The film follows Mike as he takes a young dancer called The Kid under his wing and schools him in the fine arts of partying, picking up women, and making easy money. Source: Warner Bros. Our Verdict: Channing Tatum again proves there is more to him as an actor and Matthew McConaughey steals the show. Highly recommended. Watch the trailer here:  Lists of Five This week our Lists of Five: Five Actors/Actresses That We Didn't Think Much of, But Have Now Won Us Over or are Winning Us Over. All we have to say is, Channing Tatum! Just a reminder, because we never like to just make things easy on ourselves, our lists are not necessarily top five lists, they are more or a less a list of film recommendations within the theme of the list. The Rest... Join us on our Facebook Fan Page: or follow Geek Actually on Twitter @geekactually The Reel Junkies podcast can be found at Find out more about Josh's other stuff by visiting or listen to his other show "DLC Live" go to or follow him on Twitter @DoGM3At Find more by Richard Gray by visiting or follow him on Twitter @DVDbits Find more Nicholas at his YouTube channel We opened the show with a clip from "Haywire". We close the show with "Feels Like the First Time" by Foreigner. Go see more movies, you don’t see enough movies and all of life’s questions are answered in the movies.