Acknowledging Our Need for Cleansing

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Back in Jesus’ time, visiting friends required walking along dusty roads. So out of respect dinner guests always removed their sandals before reclining at the table. Following Hebrew tradition, the host of the meal would have a servant wash each guest’s feet and dry them with a towel. It was a disagreeable job, but it had to be done. Jesus took this same role of a servant at the last supper and washed each one of the twelve disciple’s feet. Can you imagine that? The Master himself, the Son of God, the Creator, did the work of a slave! In the book of John, Jesus says to his disciples,” A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet.” Even the disciples had dirty feet. Just walking half a mile down the dusty streets of Jerusalem would have contaminated them, no matter how recently they’d had a bath. They were clean through their believing in Jesus Christ. Similarly, you and I can become spiritually unclean as we daily walk through the world. But sincere confession purifies us again. The good news is Jesus wants to make us clean. He died on the cross and was raised from the dead so that our sins can be washed away. Tell someone this Good News today, and you’ll be influencing your world for good.