Matt Consola presents SWISHCRAFT show

Summary: YES WE CAN HAS I was sitting around this Memorial Day and realized, it was time for me to make a decision where political candidates are concerned. And it hasn't been as easy as many of you might think. But after hearing hours of right wing political bullshit on talk radio this weekend, all targeted at "Me" and my fellow homo brothers and sisters, I decided it was not only time to make a decision, But I was gonna put it to music. So each track in this 72 minute mix is not only fun and danceable, but each track has a meaning I will explain. And the title "YES WE CAN HAS" is dedicated to Diakon and my Live Journal readers. So I've decided to go with Obama as my candidate, because I think it's time for some radical changes. So this first track of my mix features Barack Obama on vocals (so to speak) and by the end of this musical journey, I hope to bring it all home. (This is a fully mixed journey ... I hope you enjoy it) 01. House Music United feat Barack Obama: "YES WE CAN" (This track speaks for itself) 02. Morgan Page feat Lissie: "The Longest Road to Nowhere" (These last 8 years under G.W.Bush has been a disaster that this country may never recover from. Sure we may gain back a few Allies, but will anyone really look up to us any longer?) 03. Crisis Code: "Hookers" (Most every person in Congress, Assembly and Senate [Republican and Democrat a like] are a bunch of low class hookers. It's time we stop taking it up the ass and take our country back) 04. Blake Lewis (of American Idol): "How Many Words" (How much hate speech are we gonna put up with before we stand up to the Religious Right and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! --- If you're not standing up for your right to Equality (not marriage, just Equality) then you don't deserve to call yourself an American. 05. Thomas Gold: "Somethings Gotta Give" (We've taken all that we can take. Inflated Gas prices, Homophobia, Racism, It's time to stand up!) 06. Sherrie Lea - "Nothing Better Than Life" (We were all born with basic rights. Just because you can't see Liberty or Equality doesn't mean you can take it for granted. We all have it pretty good right now, especially if you look around the world. But we could all loose it just as fast if we don't do our part to keep our government in check, and remind them that they work for us.) 07. Cyndi Lauper - "Same Old F*cking Story" (It's time to abandon "parties". The Democrats and Republican have been equally lying to us. The Demos said they'd get in, end the war, fund health care . . . blah...blah...blah. It's been the Same Old F*cking Story. All they have really been doing is trying to secure the White House. So they can do nothing for the next 8 years. 08. Madonna - "4 Minutes" (It angers me every time I get off the highway near my house and I see the stickers saying "There are no Terrorists, it's all been a lie" --- Anyone who believes that is a fool! It took just a few moments to take down the Twin Towers on 9/11 and I know too many people who lost too many love ones. Whomever gets into the White House is going to have very little time to turn things around. I don't envy them. 09. Fedde Le Grand: "Get This Feeling" (I get this feeling that like 4 years ago, people thing the Republican's can't get elected. Living here on the Left Coast, many people chanted the mantra "Bush can never get re-elected" but he did. Did You Vote? Really? Why is it 97 million people can vote for American Idol but not even half that can turn out to vote for the most powerful leader in the world?) 10. Dabruck & Klein: "Cars" (Yes, we need to find alternative fuels because it's 'The Right Thing to do" for our selves and our Planet. But there is not Fuel Shortage and the prices have nothing to do with Supply & Demand or emerging 3rd world countries. Fuel is a commodity just like any other traded on the market. And the prices are inflated, like the housing market just because they can. Wake up people. Start fighting back or you deserve $12.00 a gallon gas. 11. Wolfgang Gartner: "Montezuma" (After listening to talk radio this weekend, a weekend that is supposed to honor the great Man & Women who gave up their lives so that we can live this life of Equality, Liberty and Freedom so many American's take for granted, I came away with a aural case of Montezuma's Revenge. All I saw on television were politicians have photo ops and talking heads talking out both sides of their mouths.) 12, Cary Brothers: "Ride" (The old vehicle has broken down. It's time for a new ride, it's time for a change. A drastic change. Like this song itself, which musically is quite unlike the other tracks in this musical journey, it's time to make an abrupt change before it's too late. I'm ready to try something new ... are you?) Thank you for subscribing. For bookings, please contact: or Troy at T-Best Entertainment at 925.736.1991 / . myspace: dj matt consola