Chronicles Of Bathhouse Barry

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Tonights Broadcast is Dedicated in Loving Memory of : Marine Cpl. Conner Lowry of Chicago, Illinois. If you have followed Barack Hussein Obama’s meteoric rise to power, you’ve noticed that anyone asking questions about his background typically finds him or herself on the receiving end of the Alinsky Attack Machine.  Any criticism of Obama is called RAAACIST!  Anyone who inquires about the many mysteries surrounding his “missing years” or his activities while in college and in his early days in Chicago is called every name in the book in the efforts to discredit that questioner.   Why is that?   What’s Barack Obama hiding…and what is the Left going to such lengths to keep hidden? Could it all boil down to something as simple as Barack Obama being gay?   Is THAT what all the enigma, subterfuge, and Alinsky Goon Squad assaults are all really about?   Is Barack Obama our first down-low, closeted gay President and is Michelle Antoinette Obama our first fully-complicit “beard” of a First Lady?   As the agenda-driven media is always so quick to say when a conservative is accused of anything:  you be the judge.