Han Solo, Boba Fett and Yoda Movies, Abrams to Make Portal and/or Half-Life, Pratt as Star-Lord, Hulk Movies, Fast and Furious 6 Preview Review

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: What an AMAZING week to be a movie geek. The GeekScholars Movie News podcast is covering all the fantastic headlines this week, starting with the news that stand-alone Star Wars films featuring Han Solo, Boba Fett, and maybe even Yoda are in the works. Listen in as the hosts discuss what plot lines (if any) they'd like to see on the big screen, and should possibly play some of these iconic roles. From there, the GeekScholars discuss J.J. Abrams' (as if he wasn't busy enough) plans to bring Valve's incredible video game library to the big screen, possibly including Portal and/or Half-Life (along with some casting suggestion), The Hulk's potentially prominent role in Marvel's Cinematic Universe in Phase 3, Chris Pratt winning the role of Peter Quill aka Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy, and Paul Walker's willingness to shave his head to play the new lead in a Hitman adaptation, this time being called Agent 47. Whew! The crew, after thoroughly geeking out from the above headlines, close out the show with a Preview Review of Fast and Furious 6.