GI Show 145: PlayStation 4, Bungie's Destiny

The Game Informer Show show

Summary: Sony just fired its first salvo of PlayStation 4 news. It's the talk of the gaming world, and the GI editors assemble to talk about it We actually kick the show off with some news from the weekend, Bungie's Destiny project. Host Matt Helgeson is joined by Kyle Hilliard, who wrote our feature on Destiny and Halo mega-fan Matt Miller to talk about this ambitious game project. Then, it's time for the main event. We taped this show after the big Sony press conference, so we have all the available information on PS4 and Sony's plans. We talk about the system's hardware specs, new controller, cloud gaming plans, and the games that were shown. Featured on this segment are Matt Miller, Matt Bertz, and Adam Biessener. (Please visit the site to view this media)