164: Richard Packham and How the LDS Church Creates Unnecessary Enemies Pt. 1

Mormon Stories - LDS show

Summary: In this 4-part series, we interview Richard Packham -- co-founder of the Ex-Mormon foundation. Throughout the interview and via Richard's own personal story, we explore 3 ways in which the LDS Church creates unnecessary enemies: 1) By not being honest about its own history (e.g. teaching accurate history), 2) By breaking up families (when one no longer believes), and 3) By harming the loved ones of those who have left the church. To conclude (part 4), Richard discusses the benefits of religious belief in general and the LDS church specifically, along with the mission of the ExMormon foundation, and bears a final testimony regarding the joy/happiness he has experienced since leaving the church. NOTE: The purpose of this interview is NOT to encourage people to stay or leave the LDS church. It is simply to: 1) Seek to understand and to validate the path of those who have felt compelled to leave the church, and 2) Explore ways in which the church can seek to no longer create unnecessary enemies.