JDB 011: 3 Keys to Creating Engaging Content

JDBlogger  |  Legal Marketing  |  Blogging  |  Podcasting  | Social Media for Lawyers and Attorney Entrepreneurs - John Skiba show

Summary: You can climb all the way to the top of Google's search rankings, but if you don't have compelling, engaging content for people to read when they get there you won't increase the number of clients coming into your law firm. In this week's episode of the JDBlogger Podcast I will discuss the 3 keys to creating truly engaging content that will help establish you as the authority in your area of the law, engage your readers, and build the necessary relationships of trust that will result in more clients. Tools of the Trade This weeks Tool of the Trade is Phrase Express.  This text-expander tool allows you to write entire letters or emails by typing a few letters.  I use this tool to write form emails that my office uses on a regular basis.  It is a huge time saver. Subscribe to JDBlogger Podcast Through iTunes!