Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Most of us have been rejected at one point or another. Through evangelism and preaching the Good News, I have been rejected multiple times. It’s not popular to follow God and openly speak about His Son, Jesus Christ. You know, Jesus was rejected often, by many people. He was rejected so much that He was betrayed by friends, falsely accused, and even put to death. Now that is rejection! And Jesus had done nothing wrong. At the height of Jesus’ ministry, he returned to his hometown, Nazareth. He had been a traveling preacher, performing miracles and loving sinners. And still, the Nazarenes rejected Him. But you know, this didn’t catch Jesus by surprise. The book of Matthew records him saying, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home.” Then the Bible says that Jesus “did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.” He heard the Nazarenes’ response to him and his teaching. He wasn’t angry, he just moved on to the next place that needed to hear His message. As you reach out to your world, don’t be deterred by rejection, expect it, and remember- your reward is in Heaven, because the heavenly Father has so promised.  “Whoever serves me, the Father will honor.”  That’s what Jesus said.