Rejoice in Others’ Success

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Remember that time when your co-worker got a raise or your best friend made the Varsity team and you made JV? Often this is when I hear a lot of people grumble. They whine and complain that everyone else’s life is going better than theirs. It’s common during these times for people to become bitter, jealous, cynical. But let’s rejoice in other’s successes! It says in Philippians that “in humility value others above yourselves.” In our very competitive society, everyone is looking out for “number 1”. But rejoice for your friend when they become engaged, rejoice when your college-mate receives an internship or high paying job. While rejoicing, your others-focused perspective will really stand out. Being genuinely happy when others are rewarded allows you to focus on pursuing excellence, working hard and doing your best. Rejoicing in God’s blessings in other people’s lives is also a great way to build strong relationships- the kind of relationships necessary if you want to reach your world. The Bible says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice.”  We find it hard sometimes, when we’re not doing so well financially and others are. But it’s a great sign of God’s Holy Spirit when we rejoice with those who rejoice.  Do it today. You’ll see results.