JulieG Radio Episode 010 – Catching Up

Julie Golob show

Summary: I’m baaack! It’s been awhile since my last podcast (sorry). I have updated my equipment and I’m on track with the monthly show. Needless to say there was a bit to catch up on and after that, the episode includes some website tips, info on the Smith &amp; Wesson IDPA Indoor Nationals and how you can make a difference when it comes to the Second Amendment. <a href="http://www.juliegolob.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/JGR-010-Catching-Up.jpg"></a> Listen to the Show What’s on this episode of JulieG Radio Podcasting Updates <a title="Gun Girl Radio" href="http://gungirlradio.com/" target="_blank">GunGirlRadio.com</a> <a title="Tami Jackson Show" href="http://www.juliegolob.com/podcasting-fun-on-the-tami-jackson-show-and-gun-girl-radio" target="_blank">The 405 Radio - Tami Jackson Show</a> <a title="When the Balloon Goes Up Podcast" href="http://www.juliegolob.com/on-the-air-when-the-balloon-goes-up-podcast" target="_blank">When the Balloon Goes Up Podcast </a> <a title="Shooting USA Podcast" href="http://www.juliegolob.com/shot-show-coverage-shooting-usa-podcast" target="_blank">Shooting USA Podcast</a> <a title="In Print and On the Air" href="http://www.juliegolob.com/category/press">All “On the Air” links</a> The latest on my BIG NEWS that I am expecting Watch the <a title="BIG NEWS!" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GvkcNoF290&amp;feature=share&amp;list=PL1136DC7197D0B014" target="_blank">announcement on You-Tube</a> Working on some fun baby themed giveaway contests - stay tuned! SHOT Show Links <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jgo-pics/tags/shotshow2013/">Photos on Flickr </a> <a href="http://www.juliegolob.com/tag/shot-show">Blog posts about SHOT Show</a> Shooter Resources - Website Tips Navigation - Is your website easy to navigate? Front &amp; Center - What are you highlighting on your home page? Smith &amp; Wesson IDPA Indoor Nationals February 21-23, 2013, Hosted by Smith &amp; Wesson. What makes the Indoor Nationals different from other IDPA matches Watch videos from last year’s Indoor Nationals Follow all the action leading up to the match at <a href="http://idpa.com/blog">IDPA.com/blog</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ShootIDPA">Facebook</a>, <a href="http://www.youtube.com/IDPAtv">You-Tube</a>, <a href="http://instagram.com/ShootIDPA">Instagram</a>, <a href="http://pinterest.com/ShootIDPA">Pinterest,</a> <a href="http://twitter.com/OfficialIDPA">Twitter</a> and with the Twitter hashtag #SWIN Make a Difference in Preserving America’s Rights &amp; Connect <a href="http://www.nraila.org/get-involved-locally/grassroots/write-your-reps.aspx">NRA’s Online Tool</a> <a href="http://capwiz.com/nssf/issues/alert/?alertid=62397361">NSSF’s Online Tool</a> <a href="http://www.smith-wesson.com/preserveyourrights">Smith &amp; Wesson’s Online Tool</a> Strive to be the positive example of a safe, responsible gun owner. <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFb6NU1giRA">Dr. Benjamin Carson’s Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast</a> JulieG Radio is also available on <a title="JulieG Radio on Stitcher Radio" href="http://stitcher.com/s/player.php?eid=16984529" target="_blank">Stitcher Radio</a> and on <a title="JulieG Radio on iTunes" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id498104756">iTunes</a>.  Questions, comments or suggestions? Please leave them in the comments below. I would love to hear from you and please consider leaving a review on iTunes as well!