“#Occupy Empire Closing Reflections” – Jennifer Davis-Sensenig, Phil Kniss

Eastern Mennonite University Podcast show

Summary: #Occupy Empire: Anabaptism in God’s Mission In this Closing Worship Service of the #Occupy Empire Conference, members of the Listening Committee offer their reflections of what they heard during conference sessions and through informal conversations with conference participants. Jennifer Davis Sensenig serves as the lead pastor of Community Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg, Virginia, and Phil Kniss serves as lead pastor of Park View Mennonite Church, also in Harrisonburg. Conference planners Brian Gumm and Aaron Kauffman describe the conference in this way: “Anabaptism at its best has been a series of attempts both to live into God’s in-breaking occupation and to faithfully occupy the empires of this fallen age, signaling the shalom to come. Anabaptists have gone about this work by imaginatively patterning their worship and witness after the New Testament communities of Jesus. Come explore ways in which the Anabaptist tradition can help inspire faithful occupation in today’s world. Interdisciplinary academic presentations will be infused with worship and testimonies to open our minds and spirits to where God is calling us into mission in the midst of empire.”