#47 - Comic Reviews for 2/13/13

Positively Nerdy show

Summary: Welcome to Positively Nerdy!  A great stack of comics await in an all-new comic review episode!  We've got Batman, Star Wars and some twisted tales from Image Comics!  Will one of these powerhouses claim this week's Top of the Stack or will Todd  pull of the upset yet again?  The epic 'Death of the Family' event comes to it's conclusion in Batman #17 with an unofficial epilogue in Batman and Robin #17.  The lone representative from Marvel this week is Scarlet Spider #14, bringing back a better-off-forgotten event from Spider-Man's past (and no, I don't mean the Clone Saga).  Image Comics continues to bring bold and exciting comics, this week in the form of The Manhattan Project #9 and Todd: The Ugliest Kid on Earth #2.  And finally this week we're once again taken to our favorite far, far away galaxy with Star Wars #2