TNA Chat Live 02-14-13 now archived


Summary: On this week’s edition of TNA Chat Live, the BronxFather was joined by the Trey Dawg during the first segment, as the two went into detail about why they like TNA, and continue to be fans. Both agreed that Impact was a solid show this week, and before Trey had to leave because of feeling a little under the weather, the BronxFather played a clip of Diamond Dallas Page and Jake “The Snake” Roberts pleading with Scott Hall to come and join them to clean up his life. Hall did not sound good at all, and we hope and pray he will do the right thing and get help. After the break, Bronx opened the phone lines and took emails. The listeners were free to give their opinions as always, before the show came to a close. An insightful edition of TNA Chat Live this week, here on the SNS Radio Network!<br> <a href=""></a><br>