Test Anxiety – Expert Interview

MMC Mobile show

Summary: Episode 4: Learn how to calm yourself, listen to internal cues, and think positively during an exam. Only a few weeks of practice can have you mentally prepared when you use the techniques discussed here by renowned test anxiety expert Bara Sapir. How do you know if you are TOO nervous for an exam? Do you actually have anxiety disorder or are you in the realm of normal, but not sure what to do about it? Bara Sapir from www.TestPrepNY.com explains how she went from teaching at Princeton Review to  coaching students through test anxiety using a myriad of techniques, including neurolinguistic programming, meditation, biofeedback, and hypnosis. We already plan for more interviews with Test Prep New York, especially about the field of Neurolinguistic Programming and what it can do for medical students. However, our next episode will be the second interview in a three-part series with Dr. Brett Ferdinand of MCAT (http://www.mcat-prep.com/?a=dmw0619) Gold Standard as we discuss the proper mindset and how to use practice tests to assess your study techniques (as opposed to predicting your performance). Stay tuned...