Medical School Exams

MMC Mobile show

Summary: Episode 25: There’s nothing like block exams, with 2-4 weeks straight of tests. How do you cope? Learn where to get real exam questions to use for practice so that you can adjust your study techniques ahead of time and predict how well you’ll do on the real exam.<br> Listen to the 23 minute podcast here…<br> Medical school exams are different than anything else.<br> The testing schedule can be grueling.<br> The content of the exams can be surprising, but not for everyone. If your medical school allows it, you may be able to get copies of old exams and enjoy a tremendous advantage over fellow students that don’t manage their time well enough to get to use them as practice tests.<br> Do you ever feel ready to do practice questions in medical school? No. At best you’ll begin to trust that the discomfort of starting <a href="">free recall</a> before you’re ready is a powerful instrument for developing medium- and long-term memory.<br> My medical school offered an Exam CD Program and they charged $60. I still remember getting that letter in the mail after I got <a href="">accepted to medical school</a>, but before it started. I quickly wrote the check and mailed it to make sure I had insider access; a genuine look at what was really expected of my by my professors.<br> Months later I was immersed in the dregs of medical school life and found the medical school exams essential for success – so essential that I later included them as an important tool in the arsenal of my <a href="">Study Techniques Course</a>.<br>