– more than just scut sheets!

MMC Mobile show

Summary: Episode 26: Dr. Dan interviews Dr. Ken Lin from This is a great Mastermind community Spirit because he helped students coming up behind him all the way from medical school and even now as a practicing physician.<br> Listen to the 30 minute podcast here…<br> Dr. Ken Lin has been devoting countless hours to helping students through <a href=""></a><br> From scut sheets and personal essays to career advice and medical school book recommendations, Dr. Lin has it all.<br> I used his scut sheets extensively during medical school and found them invaluable. It was a regular part of my routine to print out some copies every morning before rounds.<br> In the full-length interview, we discuss <a href="">the best way to use sample personal essays</a>. Learn shocking news that some medical students actually copy/paste lines from sample personal essays and put them into their real residency applications. Sounds like a MedFool to me, but in the wrong sense of the word!<br> Dr. Lin reviews personal essays, as do I. It’s a great idea to  have a physician review your personal essay, especially if you’re a premed!<br> In the podcast, I hint about a new course I’m working on called <a href="">Anatomy of a Malignant Residency Program</a>. Sign up for the free Speed Reading Course for Medical School and I’ll notify you when it’s ready.<br> And we’re doing product reviews – so WE’RE saying what will help us best on our NIH grant. Now your <a href="">CD of the Month Club</a> membership includes <a href="">access to full USMLE and MCAT study resources</a>.<br>