RT Podcast 022 | Peter Lakatos: Discover Primal Move

The Rdella Training Podcast: Strength Training | Kettlebells | Barbells | Fitness | Nutrition show

Summary: In this episode of the podcast, I interview the creator of Primal Move™, Peter Lakatos. Peter has an impressive athletic background and he has the distinction of being one of only a handful of Master Kettlebell instructors with StrongFirst™. Peter is in elite physical condition and has exceptional physical strength, as you can see here. If you don't know what Primal Move is yet, you'll learn everything you need to know about this new and unique movement based training system. I'm a believer and this definitely has a major role in serious strength training. Learn directly from the creator how this dynamic system came to be, what exactly it is, and how it can improve your training. Check out this episode out to learn about a cutting edge approach to improve performance. Don't forget to subscribe to the show here in iTunes. And, now you can catch the podcast in Stitcher. To learn more about Primal Move, click here. Train strong and if you have questions you'd like me to answer, catch me on the New Facebook Fan Page. Head on over and click "like" while your there and join the new movement in strength training. Hope you enjoy this episode!