America -Unchained And Unhinged

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: New York Times Passes Along 'Endorsement' for Accused Cop-Killer Dorner-The New York Times managed to find mitigating circumstances for ex-cop and accused killer Christopher Dorner, subject of a manhunt in California, in its weekend coverage. On Saturday, L.A.-based Adam Nagourney reported "For Some, Shooting Suspect's Charges of Police Racism Resonate – They Say Accusations Raise Memories Of Past Abuses, Despite Much Progress."The Times, which had nothing to say in its previous reports about Dorner's praise for liberal media personalities contained in his chatty Facebook "manifesto," certainly showed respect to his (perhaps falsified) beefs about racism in the LAPD.   Conservative Doctor's Prayer Breakfast Speech-A conservative doctor named Ben Carson made quite a splash this week when he appeared to lecture President Obama at the national prayer breakfast.   Farewell, Pope Benedict-Only an hour after Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation from the papacy, and not ten minutes into Monday's Starting Point, CNN's Soledad  hosted the director of an anti-Catholic documentary who has called Pope Benedict a "criminal" and a "deeply flawed human being."   Current Events And News- Join ABC and GGT for another Broadcast of Breakfree Monday on CPT. Join The Discussion @ 424-222-5255