16 things you should consider before launching another podcast – TAP113

The Audacity to Podcast show

Summary: There comes a time in every podcaster's life when he or she wants to start another podcast. These questions and tips will help you determine whether it's right for you, and how to start well. 5 questions to ask yourself first 1. Should I improve my current podcast(s) instead? 2. Do I have time for another podcast? 3. Will my other podcast(s) suffer? 4. Does my new podcast fit, expand, or break my “brand”? 5. Where will my new podcast live on the Internet? 11 tips for launching another podcast: 1. Crosspromote between your podcasts 2. Don't feel like you have to make a network 3. Focus on content for one podcast at a time 4. Reuse tools and techniques that you already have 5. Have separate email accounts for each podcast 6. Leverage your whole community for big things 7. Setup separate affiliate IDs 8. Consider separate social-media accounts 9. Get things right from the start with this launch 10. Avoid crossover content, unless concise 11. Use Blubrry's free or premium stats for separate tracking Links and shownotes at http://theaudacitytopodcast.com/113 FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email feedback@TheAudacitytoPodcast.com Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005