Reevaluating the Fight

Parenting Today’s Teens show

Summary: Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes herePODCAST SCRIPT: Do you have many battles in your home?  Are there bunkers built up throughout the house? You may find that the frequency and intensity of scuffles are increasing in your home.  If so, I’d encourage you to think about the hills you’re dying on.  Ask yourself a few questions: What issues have the greatest consequences? What battles, if you lose, will also cause you to sacrifice a relationship? And… What battles will eventually pass? Once you’ve answered these questions… adjust what you fight back about.  Reevaluate what’s really important to you. Mom, dad, choose your battles carefully.  Don’t pounce on every little mistake.  On the essential non-negotiable stuff …don’t budge one inch!  On the non-essentials …show a little grace and mercy.   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264