#46 - Comic Reviews for 2/6/13

Positively Nerdy show

Summary: Welcome to Positively Nerdy!  Back again with an all-new batch of comics to review.  It would take a writer like Jeff Lemire to get me to read a Green Arrow comic and that's exactly what happens with Green Arrow #17!  Also from DC this week, two of my current favorites, World's Finest #9 and Earth2 #9!  Star Trek: Into Darkness is getting closer and closer, helping to hold us over is a Dr. McCoy one-and-done in Star Trek #17.  A pair of terrific all-ages comics came out this week - Super Dinosaur #17 and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #3!  And finally, from the House of Ideas, Venom returns in Ultimate Comics All-New Spider-Man #20 before the MarvelNOW! onslaught with Avengers #5, All-New X-Men #7 and Superior Spider-Man #3