Podcast: Melissa Vose on Canadian Maternity Care

Strocel.com Podcast show

Summary: When I first came across the Mothers of Change website, I felt as if I had found my people. Mothers of Change is a grassroots advocacy group, advocating for quality maternity care for Canadian mothers. It recently occurred to me that I had never interviewed them for my podcast, and I decided to remedy that immediately. Luckily, founding board member Melissa Vose agreed to chat with me, and I’m excited to share our conversation in today’s podcast. We hear a lot about the state of birth in the US. Even here in Canada, most of us are far more conversant with what childbirth looks like in American hospitals, thanks to shows like TLC’s A Baby Story. There are far more books, movies, and TV shows portraying, documenting and exploring birth from the American perspective. While birth is birth regardless of the country in which it happens, different medical systems and standards of care definitely impact the experience and course of labour. This is why I was especially pleased to come across Mothers of Change in the first place. It’s also why I was eager to discuss childbirth in Canada on today’s podcast. During the podcast, Melissa and I talked about how the American and Canadian approaches to birth differ. We discussed some of the pressing issues facing birthing women in Canada today. And we talked about what expecting mothers can do to stack the odds in their favour when it comes to having the birth they want. Whether you’re pregnant, you’re a birth junkie like me, or you’re interested in how a grassroots group is working to birth better maternity care, you’ll want to listen to today’s podcast: Next week on the Strocel.com podcast I’ll be sharing an interview with Teresa Pitman. She’s the former chair of La Leche League Canada, and a co-author of the latest edition of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. She’s also been widely published in other books, magazines and so on. I consider her something of a role model, and I interviewed her for the Crafting my Life Online Course. Whether you’re interested in breastfeeding, or you’d just like a little bit of inspiration as we talk about role models, you’ll want to tune in. Subscribe to the Strocel.com podcast in iTunes, and you won’t miss a minute! Also, if you have a podcast idea, please share it with me. I’d love to hear your suggestions!